This is a very healthy recipe for steel cut oatmeal loaded with all kind of grains such as quinoa, flaxseed, hemp seed, chia seed, millet… It is so nice to start the day with this hearty warm bowl of cereal.
This is my almost everyday breakfast…it is very versatile in regards to what I can add on the oatmeal in the morning. Not only that, I get a mix of various grain in one bowl. My husband likes with dry fruits, nuts and cinnamon. I sometimes beside the “conventional” toppings I even have with “Chinese” preserved stuff, food that you normally see when having breakfast in Taiwan.
Since steel cut oatmeal takes almost ”forever” to cook, I prepared the night before and let it sit until morning. When I get up the next morning I just add a little more water or milk, bring to boil and it is ready…very simple!
I always keep an air tight container with a mix of steel cut oatmeal, quinoa white and black, flaxseed (white, dark or mixed) and chia seed…any especial ratio between them? Not really, whatever you like. So when it is time to cook, I just scoop according to what I need.
As you can see…I do not have any details to share…just place the oatmeal mix in a small pan, add approximately 1 to 1 ½ inch of water above the oatmeal. Let it boil and turn the heat off. Cover the pan. Next morning, mix the oatmeal with water or milk according to your like. Bring to boil and it is ready to serve.
I hope you enjoy this simple and easy way to prepared steel cut oatmeal loaded with nutritious ingredients. If you are looking for more recipes using oat or quinoa, you might want to check on Oatmeal Molasses Sandwich Bread or Citrus Kale Salad with Quinoa.
Did you know that oats are a good source of soluble fiber. Therefore, oats can help reduce cholesterol and keep blood sugar levels steady. Apparently there is not much difference in terms of nutrition between steel cup oats and rolled oats.