Coconut Panna Cotta with Mango Sphere
This is a fun recipe using molecular gastronomy. The creamy coconut panna cotta is served with a mango sphere which will spill the mango nectar on the panna cotta [...]
Juliana2023-01-23T15:18:09-08:00Dessert/Sweet, Gluten Free, Molecular Gastronomy|
This is a fun recipe using molecular gastronomy. The creamy coconut panna cotta is served with a mango sphere which will spill the mango nectar on the panna cotta [...]
Juliana2023-01-23T15:14:04-08:00Gluten Free, Molecular Gastronomy|
This is a fun recipe to try using molecular gastronomy. The yogurt are made into almost spheres that pops. This is one of the most fun thing I have ever [...]
Juliana2023-01-23T15:09:06-08:00Dessert/Sweet, Gluten Free, Holiday Wish, Molecular Gastronomy|
Before you ask…yes, this is another molecular gastronomy recipe. The technique I used is called “reverse spherification”, and was based on Surprise Bubbles. The fascinating thing is that this technique is [...]