The combination of green onion and cheese in this sourdough bread is just divine..great just as it is or drizzle with some olive oil for extra flavor.
– Why green onion and cheese?
Don’t you think that there is something about the combination of green onion and cheese? Somehow the blend of flavors and colors are always so welcomed.
– Why using sourdough starter?
It seems that baking bread with sourdough starter is healthier than using the conventional bread yeast due to the bread’s prebiotic content, therefore easier to digest.
– What is sourdough starter?
Sourdough starter is a culture of wild yeast found in flour. Like any fermented food, sourdough bread is fermented using lactobacillus. The combination of wild yeast (found in flour) and lactic-acid bacteria is what makes the dough rise.
– Is sourdough bread easier to digest?
Scientists believe that the prebiotic content in sourdough bread may improve gut health and ease digestion. Moreover, gluten levels are lower in sourdough bread as compared to traditional yeasted bread.
– Are you ready to try baking sourdough bread?
This particular recipe uses 80% hydration…meaning that I used 80 g of water for every 100 g of flour.
– Should we look at the recipe?
- 200 g mature sourdough starter (100% hydration)
- 400 g bread flour
- 300 g water
- 10 g salt
- 200-250 g cheese (mozzarella and cheddar)
- Green onion to taste, chopped
How to:
In a medium bowl whisk the bread flour and water until all the water is totally incorporated into the flour. Cover and let it rest for about 1 hour, this is called autolyze.
Add the sourdough starter to the dough and mix until the starter is completely mixed to the dough. Use the stretch and fold method around the bowl, approximately 50 times, at this point gluten will start to form.
Cover the dough and let it rest for 30 to 45 minutes.
Add the salt and mix again using the stretch and fold method until all the salt is totally incorporated into the dough. Cover the dough and let it rest for 30 to 45 minutes.
Stretch and fold the dough a few times until the dough detach from the bowl easily. Cove the bowl and let the dough rest 30 to 45 minutes.
Spray the counter with a little water and place the dough on it. Laminate the dough, spread the chopped green onion and the cheese and fold into thirds, twice. Place the dough into a rectangular or square container and cover.
Rest for 30 to 45 minutes. Coil and fold the dough to the center. Place it back to the container and cover.
Rest for 45 minutes and repeat the coil and fold the dough to the center.
Rest for 45 minutes. Place the dough over the moist counter and coil and fold dough twice.
Rest for 45 minutes. Sprinkle flour on the counter and on the top of the dough. Flip the bowl on the counter and let the dough fall on the flour surface.
Split the dough into two equal portions.
Pre-shape the dough by stretching and folding to the center of the dough.
Flour well the banneton and place the dough seam up.
Place the dough in the refrigerator overnight, uncovered.
Next morning, pre-heat oven to 475oF with a tray of water.
In the meantime, boil more water.
Flip the dough from the banneton to a floury surface. Using a soft brush, gently brush off excess of flour. Make the cut on the dough and spray with water. Place the dough into the hot oven. Carefully add the boiling water to the tray. Close the oven door.
Spray more water on the dough every 3 minutes, 3 times. After 15 minutes of baking, remove the water tray and the parchment paper underneath the bread. Lower the temperature to 375oF, bake for another 20 minutes.
Remove the bread from the oven and let it cool on a wire rack. Make sure the bread is completely cool before slicing.